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Hello friends.
Thank you for watching my homemade clotted cream video. Please subscribe and share my youtube channel and visit my www.altaaskitchen.com blog for more new recipes. If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment. I will try to upload more new delicious recipe videos in the future with your support like subscription and sharing. Thank you.
Sincerely yours,

Clotted Cream is deliciously creamy and the essential companion to a batch of British scones, or freshly baked bread. You don’t have to go to England or Mongolia to enjoy your tea-time treats though because clotted cream is so easy to make at home! Try it.

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Та бүхэн минь миний блог болон нүүр номын хуудсаар минь зочилж илүү олон шинэ соргог жоруудыг сонирхоорой. Энэ видеоны талаар болон өөрийн дуртай хоолныхоо жорын талаар асуух зүйлс байвал comment хэсэгт үлдээгээрэй Энэхүү видеонд минь like дарж, Youtube сувгийг маань subcribe хийж, найз нөхөддөө share хийж миний ажлыг урамшуулаарай. Би чадах чинээгээрээ олон шинэ сайхан хоолны жорууд оруулахыг хичээнээ. Баярлалаа.
Хүндэтгэсэн Алтаа.

Devonshire Cream vs Clotted Cream
Sometimes you may hear “clotted cream” called “Devonshire cream” or “Cornish cream”. It really all depends on the region you are in.
Enjoy 🙂
If I can write like you, then I would be very happy, but where is my luck like this, really people like you are an example for the world. You have written this comment with great beauty, I am really glad I thank you from my heart. h
Hello dear,
Thank you for your kind words. I’m still a learner and trying to express my feeling when I write. This recipe is one of my all-time favorites. You should try it 😉
Thanks again.
“Mongolian Foods” should be Mongolian Food. Because the word “Food” does not have a plural form.
Thanks for stopping by 😉
Home made? Looks delicious
Yes, it is homemade. It’s so good 😉
Thanks for stopping by.
Wow delicious 😍👌🏽
Thank you for visiting and leaving your comment. Yes, it is very delicious.